
Ross Kukulinski

Philadelphia, PA
Ross Kukulinski works at Heptio where he focuses on growing the Kubernetes community as well as guiding businesses in their cloud-native journey. His technical background is in architecting and deploying scalable, containerized, real-time application infrastructure. Ross is a member of the Node.js Evangelism Working Group as well as the RethinkDB Team under the Linux Foundation. He is a cheesesteak connoisseur living in Philadelphia with his wife, Nicole, and their Labrador Retriever, Freddie.
Tuesday, November 19

6:15am PST

7:00am PST

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Wednesday, November 20

6:15am PST

7:30am PST

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2:00pm PST

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Thursday, November 21

6:15am PST

7:30am PST

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10:25am PST

10:30am PST

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4:25pm PST